April 1, 2020

(Day 7) Life is going back to normal! Just kidding, April Fool’s! 🙂 Sorry, I couldn’t resist. But, March is finally over and that is encouraging! Spring is here, and a new month and that all gives me hope.

My brother Ben finished reading our book, so we spent a good portion of the day chatting about what he liked, how the story developed and any parts he thought could be improved. It was really fun!

Big news today, Javi finished his reading book! He’s done 100 lessons and is reading SO well now. We are so proud of him! He’s no longer intimidated or overwhelmed by reading, which is such a huge step. Obviously there is more to learn, but he’s come so far and it’s been so encouraging to see him thrive in this area after so much work and patience!

We did a video call with Luke’s parents in the morning, and I worked on fixing a broken necklace as we chatted. I’m finding that I do better with sitting still and not feeling trapped when my hands are busy. That way my mind doesn’t wander as much! I got it all repaired and I’m excited to wear again sometime soon!

The kids have been squeezing out every drop of enjoyment out of their sidewalk chalk. Today they mixed it with water, made a paint and painted their hands! Funny kiddos. They also took bananas and made a trumpet band, walking around the house “playing” their instruments. Silly munchkins. Cassandra used hers as a phone as well and called me. We had a great talk. 🙂

Then they upped their painting medium to mud, and painted the outside table! Their smiles were so big. I hope when they grow up, they have great memories of muddy fingers and fun times with their siblings.

In the evening, I got a little bit of writing done, and then we started a fire in our fire pit and ate brownies. The kids have enjoyed having a fun treat to look forward to on Wednesdays, and fires are always relaxing. C snuggled with me, and we hung out all together until it was time for dinner and bed. We’d appreciate your prayers on how to find time together as a couple- we are missing date nights a LOT lately. We’re sticking to bedtimes for the kids so that we get time in the evenings, but it’s still been hard!

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