April 16, 2020

(Day 22): While the kids have been watching movies during quiet time, and pretty much any other time I can sneak in throughout the day, I’ve been writing a ton. It’s been the perfect, restful thing to rebalance me from the last few weeks of crazy, and I’m starting to wrap up the second book in our fantasy series so that’s super encouraging.

But this morning we had lots of laundry, chores and school to tackle before our video call with Lover’s parents. So we got lots done, and then sat down to talk to them for a good long while. I did some mending while we chatted, made breakfast for Lover and I, and then also did some coloring while we chatted.

I cooked lunch today too – another change from these last couple of weeks is that Lover has been so much busier that it’s harder for him to be able to cook. So I’ve been doing more of that, and not messing too much up! I made fajitas and they were yummy. I discovered the BEST fajita seasoning blend a few years ago, and I mixed up a big batch a while ago that we are still working our way through.

I didn’t burn anything too terribly bad, and they were nice and yummy. It’s not that I can’t cook, I just don’t enjoy it as much as Lover does, and I tend to get distracted and burn things. I’ve burned just about everything you can think of! But I’m really good at baking, so there’s that. 🙂

At lunch we shared what we are thankful for, as we usually do. Javi said “I’m thankful that even though we are stuck at home, there are so many fun things we can still do. Like we can play, and watch movies, and read…” He gave a whole list of examples and it was so encouraging to me to hear his really mature and thankful perspective.

After lunch, which we didn’t finish up til almost four, we did baths for KK, Declan and Cassandra, and everyone else played. Lover’s been struggling with his eyes feeling really itchy and sore and awful, so we did chammomile on them again. We also printed out the song we’ll be singing at Joy’s memorial service tomorrow. Her family invited Luke and I to come and also to sing at her service, which we are really, really grateful for. So we practiced a bit to make sure that we can sing and play the hymn, and also not bawl our way through it!

We are starting to hear the first rumors that we might not be able to go to Spain in September. There are talks of the EU border staying closed until then, and man, would that stink! We reached out to the Spanish Consulate asking about our appointments, and received a form letter back informing us that they are currently only interacting with Spanish citizens in these unprecedented times. So! We will keep praying and seeking guidance about the future!

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