Week 2 – January 8-14, 2021

The second week of January was fairly full, although we still haven’t gotten used to the slower pace of life these days. We prefer to be a bit busier, especially with seeing friends and hosting. We spent part of Saturday prepping our meal to bring to Life Group on Sunday. I got the desserts made, and only burned a couple of the cookies, so that was a success. 🙂 Lover has been trying out some delivery apps to make some extra cash so he went out a few times this week, figuring out which times are most profitable. While he was out, he spotted something unusual – a knight! Just walking across the crosswalk. Which I guess is the safest way for a knight to cross the road. 🙂

Sunday we brought carnitas to life group. We brought all the fixins – pickled red onions, lime juice, sour cream, tortillas, lettuce, etc. It was so good, and I really wished I wasn’t so pregnant so I could have eaten a whole bunch more!

The big news in Zaragoza this weekend was that they got snow – tons of it! It was the most snow they’d had in years, so my family there was thrilled and sent lots of pictures. The middles worked on making “friends” out of their stuffies this week, complete with outfits and silly masks. very funny.

Since it’s been a lot colder and not as sunny, we’ve been bringing out fun indoor stuff like kinetic sand and play-doh. It’s always messy, but the kids always enjoy it and are very creative. On Tuesday the weather was decent, so we packed up a big picnic lunch with lots of fun snacks that Lover picked up at the store, and headed to Cherry Creek State Park. It was a bit colder than expected, but the kids were troopers and they really enjoyed playing out on the completely frozen reservoir! Our kids have always enjoyed going as far away from us as possible to play – you can see in the picture just how far out they were – crazy kiddos. People go ice fishing all winter out on the ice so we know it’s safe, but it was still a little nerve wracking to watch them play out there! Driving home we caught the most incredible sunset – love those beautiful CO sunsets!

We had some last minute preparations this week to get our second book launch ready – so excited to publish Intruder on Friday! My parents bought tickets to come visit in March, and the littles were so excited they immediately ran to the window to “See their plane!” LOL. I tried a few times to explain and eventually gave up – they’ll figure it out soon enough. We are all really looking forward to their visit, especially because it means baby V will be here by then!

Keilana has never had a day go by where she does not come up with a new creative idea – this time it was being a dog, I believe, with a very bushy tail. So cute with her face paints and silly faces. I tried out a little treat while the kids were all at AWANA – cake in a mug. It was terrible. 🙂 Not nearly enough sugar, but afterwards I looked up the proper ratio of flour to sugar in baked goods and my eyes bugged out of my head a little. I couldn’t bring myself to add that much sugar! Lover and I play a lot of Azul these days, and I hit my highest score ever, so I had to document it. It’s a fun and relaxing game, and has helped us keep our sanity this year for sure!

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