Today was my grandma’s birthday! I was able to call and talk to her, and thankfully she said the pain in her arm has improved quite a bit. She sounds like she’s in good spirits and it was nice to chat with her for a bit.

Bigs went to school and were very excited that their substitute teacher for PE was Pastor Paul! Keilana’s art project was selected for the art show at the end of the month! Declan and Cassandra played outside for most of the morning. Cassandra’s fear of bugs has returned, so we are working on that. The sunshine and fresh air felt awesome! I worked on writing, and we also painted the doors downstairs to prep for the floors going in. Lover fixed a fence slat and rehung the swing for the kiddos.

The kids had early dismissal so we walked down to pick them up, and then painted the second door. Then we ran to Lowes for Great Stuff and a couple other quick errands. We bought the kids an Electric Blue Freezy at Taco Bell and then we grabbed dinner at Burger King and saw Pastor Paul again! Then when we got home the kids played tag and hide and go seek while we did more painting. They also opened up a package from Nana and were very excited about the clothes and candy she sent. Lover made veggies and fish sticks for dinner. Once it got dark we made a fire in the back yard, and it was the perfect weather for a fire! We did our bedtime routine around the fire and then tucked everyone in to their own beds!