Here’s what you need to know about our family;
Number of kiddos: 4
Ages of our kiddos: 8, 6, 4, and 2. We have a 2nd grader, a 1st grader and a preschooler.
We love teaching our kids to love learning in every area. We don’t believe that learning only happens in a classroom, at a desk, with paper in front and pencil in hand. We believe that learning happens in walks around the neighborhood, on a road trip to the mountains, exploring Texas and flying to Spain. We want to encourage everyone on their learning journey, and hopefully inspire you as you realize that homeschooling is not for the elite few, but is possible for everyone!
Even if your kids attend traditional school, they’re with you the rest of the time. Learning can happen anywhere, in any situation, and that’s a big part of our goal here at Homeschoolers Without Borders, is to show you that it is possible!