Parks, Boats and Girl Time! ~ July 18th

Luke and Kiddos:

I slept in after not sleeping all night. This was a bummer because I missed Jenny trying to call me like 18 times :-(. When I finally did roll out of bed I checked on the kiddos and grabbed a shower. We had the oatmeal loaf I made, me and Cassandra liked it but no one else really. Then we walked to the park again which was completely empty for the hour plus that we were there. So in the absence of people to talk to I caught up on some Bible reading. The kids also felt the absence of other children and kept coming to me with stories and games and “want to see this cool thing I can do?”

After the park I was sure it was time for another shower. Man I can’t get used to this humidity. Instead I texted back and forth with Tio, and got really nervous that we were going to have to cancel our boat outing due to the rain, wind, lightning and thunder. However, Tio wasn’t concerned and I figured he knew what his boat could handle. Before going out on the boat we went grocery shopping, but on the way to Aldi I swung by what I’m told was my father’s childhood home.

I believe it’s the right-hand unit of the house on the left. The one you really can’t see at all because of the tree. Oh well!

We had a great time out on the water. We got pizza at a boat up (is that a term) pizzeria. Javi, KK and Olivia went swimming before the cops told us they couldn’t. We had some great conversations about parenting, sarcasm, and life in general. The kids listened in and tried to provide examples of things we were talking about. It was a cool, albeit very bunny trailed, conversation. All in all a super relaxing day, talking, playing, watching the Tio rough house with the kids. Now it’s off to bath time and bed time.


I woke up way before the rest of the household. I couldn’t go back to sleep, and Lover wasn’t answering my calls, so I decided to go for a walk. It was fun checking out the little houses on Jenna’s street, I’m constantly amazed by all the beautiful plants that can grow in all this humidity! Unfortunately I feel like I just wilt. πŸ™‚ Thankfully, even though we had record high temperatures in Chicago that weekend, there was a slight breeze, and the sun wasn’t all the way up, so the walk wasn’t too terrible. I was concerned about rats though! Oh, and I really liked this sign in someone’s front yard.

When I got back, Jenna and Zac were awake, so I made us some scrambled eggs. I threw red onion and broccoli into the eggs (and cheese!) and topped the eggs with fresh tomatoes. It was delicious! And very filling. We chatted while we waited for Erica to come over, and then we did yoga while all the kids played in the basement. It felt great to stretch and get all the aches and kinks out! Jenna and Erica worked on playing the piano together, and I got myself ready for the day.

After the kids were picked up, the three of us went into full on mom vacation mode. πŸ˜‰ We did our nails and did a foot soak, watched a terrible marriage reality show, and I took a nap. We also talked about books, writing, collaborating on a novel, and SO many more things. Erica made us lunch – tamales and shrimp and corn and avocado. I won’t need to eat for a week! Erica also took some pictures of me – I got to touch my book for the first time! So exciting. πŸ™‚ We also got to Facetime with Heidi a couple of times, and it was really fun to talk to her. She was in good spirits, teasing us and her nurses, and it was lovely. I hope it was encouraging for her too!

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