It’s cinco marzada! We are looking forward to celebrating this in Spain next year! Kids were up bright and early today – good thing the time change is coming up because that wake up call is coming earlier and earlier as the mornings get brighter! We did breakfast – for a LONG time, since everyone was really hungry. Cassandra did a great job cleaning up her books really well. I also cleaned up really well downstairs, making sure that we are pretty set to remove the furniture on Sunday so we can get floors on Monday! Hurray!
Lover and I are reading though a book called Foundations in the mornings. We’ve just started, but so far it’s a good book.
I had a MOPS meeting this morning, so we got things set and then I went to that. I was meeting with the mentor moms to ask them to help fill in the gaps next year as I leave. It was a good meeting and I’m excited for their help. The kids and Lover watched Dr Who while I was gone.
When I got home we did snack and I read to the littles, and then everyone did quiet time. I even managed to sneak in a little nap! Then the bigs took baths and Keilana gave all of their stuffies a bath as well! 🙂 Lover and I collaborated on lunch, and then we went for a long walk afterwards. Javi directed our walk today which he was excited about. Another nice sunny day! Then we loaded up and headed to the mall play place to burn off a bit more energy. The kids played the floor is lava at the play place. Keilana saw a girl named Rachel that she had met before at another playplace. Cassandra found a toy on our way out of the mall. Then the kids also played tag at home. Lots of energy!
Then it was time to have dinner and pack up lunches for tomorrow. And that was our day.