Our weekend was fun and busy! On Saturday morning Lover and I did a date morning, instead of our usual evening date. It was fun! We went to Dozens and had the best muffin of our life, and then enjoyed tooling around town and checking out a few open houses. We laughed that the only house we could picture ourselves living in was just a little bit smaller than our current house!
The kids enjoyed time with Lana – Keilana and Lana crafted a limo car out of cardboard, packing tape and paper plates. So creative! After we got back from our date, we went to run a few errands and marveled at the total lack of toilet paper since apparently the world is panicking about Coronavirus. Craziness. We got our stuff and headed home, without any toilet paper!
Then we cleaned up the garage, emptied our freezer and moved some of the stuff that was going to be in the way for our floor installation. The kids watched a movie in their limo and we cooked up a few things for this week.
While we did dinner, a couple from Craigslist came to buy our big furniture hutch that used to live in the living/dining room. It took a long time to get it moved and tarped and secured and everything, but the couple was really friendly and they might even be interested in renting the house when we leave in a couple of months! Javi helped me move in all of the baseboard trim – it’s so nice having a big kid that’s so helpful!
On Sunday, after Lover made breakfast and used up the broccoli I had prepped the night before, we walked to church – we are so enjoying the more mild weather and sunshine! Our pastor asked us if Sunday mornings are crazy and chaotic and we said no, because the kids get all their energy out on the walk to church! We went to second service because of the time change and all of our people were there so that was really nice.
In between church and life group we finished up our cooking (and I made the broccoli again, hehe). We finished just in time and then hosted life group. It was a lovely time with friends and we are really thankful for the group we have here. Then everyone stuck around to help us move out all the furniture on our first floor. Paul came over too and helped – many hands make light work, so it barely took a half hour to move everything! Brian thanked us for not owning a lot of furniture. 🙂

We picked up the kids from the Flannery’s and admired the chalk art that Lana and Keilana collaborated on, and enjoyed chatting with the parents for a while. Then, it was time to head back home, eat some dinner on the kitchen floor, and finish clearing out the main floor for floors! We gave the kids a bunch of sharpies and told them to go to town on the floors. They were delighted to get to scribble all over everything. I also wrote some of our family verses on the floor – verses that have been very meaningful to us throughout the years.