Lover made waffles today, and since they are sugary, the kids wanted to know if it was a holiday or a special day! So, in the end, we decided it was for Yayo, since today was Yayo’s birthday! We called him and did a video chat for a little while, and the kids were very talkative and communicative. They are excited that we’ll be seeing them in a few months. We also finished up the craft we started yesterday!

Then, we headed to Burger King at 10am to meet up with friends. The kids played while Brooke and I talked through the last few MOPS events for this year. We are praying for someone to step up and take over MOPS next year! Also, we ran into Pastor Paul, at his home away from home. 🙂 Lover did a video call with his parents while we were gone.
Then we did snack, Spanish videos, and quiet time. I took a nap, because I was tired! Keilana did NOT make a craft during quiet time. Javi finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix – a super long HP book!
I worked on our business after lunch, while Lover did math lessons with the kids. They are working on multiplication and division, and they are starting to figure it out! AWANA got canceled due to snow, so we made popcorn, hot chocolate and sliced apples and watched Brave. It’s a cute movie, and the kids were very worried for Merida’s mom! Lover’s back is bothering him, but massage, rest and Advil seem to be helping him.
I also called and talked to my aunt this morning and got an update on Grandma. We are praying for her to not be in so much pain from her broken elbow! This was a busy day!