Today was MOPS! The kids all helped with setup, which was a huge help. Everything went pretty smoothly, and with everyone helping we finished up by 11:30. Only six more meetings left this year! The kids really enjoyed building a fire truck puzzle during MOPS. We had a woman visit who is interested in starting a MOPS group in a more rural part of Colorado, and I enjoyed chatting with her about our group. I told the girls today about our plans to move to Spain in the fall, and they were all very excited for me!

After MOPS the kids worked on a craft – such a fun and creative bunch of kiddos we have! Keilana created a “crazy horse” and Lover asked if she was going to call it “Chief Crazy Horse.” I wrote off and on all day, finally finishing up a pivotal chapter I’ve been working on for a week or so. I’m really happy with it!
Cassandra is making progress on potty training, which is encouraging! Declan played with Legos and played outside in the sunshine for a long time. Declan and KK made a gigantic zoo out of the Duplos, they were very proud of it. Declan was measuring out rows of Duplos against the bases, and figuring how many rows correlated to each other.
After quiet time, we worked on chores and school, and did lunch. Lover made up a batch of our favorite lentil recipe and we all devoured it. Yum! Lover fielded calls and texts from a recruiter – it’s been a busy time of year for job inquiries. Nothing concrete yet, but Lover always enjoys investigating possibilities.
After lunch we cleaned up, and then Lover and the kiddos watched Black Panther while I supervised baths, chatted with friends and wrote some more. Then Lover made a really yummy cream pasta dish, and this is why we are fat. 🙂
Tonight we plan on working on the business for a while after bedtime, and then hopefully I’ll squeeze in a little more writing before our own bedtime. It was a good day!