March 19, 2020

We had a full day, despite the winter storm that hit Colorado today! Yesterday we nearly hit 70 degrees and today we got about a foot of snow! Typical Colorado craziness. πŸ™‚ We started our day with our devotional and the bigs read the verses. Javi also mentioned that he stayed in bed reading for a while this morning, which makes me really happy!

Keilana, Declan and Cassandra put together a show this morning, and Javi joined in too. It was a loose adaptation of the Christmas story. πŸ™‚ Cassandra was baby Jesus, KK was Mary and Declan was Joseph. Then they all played shepherds and then angels too. Super cute. I enjoyed taking pictures with my new camera!

We did a video call with Ben and Eva – trying to help distract Sammy and we got to see our new little Sofia! Cassandra was pretty grossed out by her spit up and referred to her as the yucky one. :)They are day 4 of a 15 day lockdown that the gov is already talking about extending. It was nice to see them even if it was totally impossible trying to have a conversation with six little kids in the mix. ;o)

Lover worked on getting my first fantasy book all printed out so I can do an exhaustive edit of the whole thing. I have a few people I want to share it with, but I want to finish some corrections first. I haven’t done any more querying since everything started getting shut down, since no one knows how this will affect the publishing world long term. So it’s been nice to work on my books with no pressure!

Lover and I sorted through our massive basket of cables and tech and wire-y craziness. It felt really good to get that all under control and we got rid of lots and set aside a bunch for a garage sale this summer. Keilana and I also sorted through her special box at her request and she also pared things down quite a bit.

Gov. Polis ordered schools to stay closed through April 17th and also released a mandate that no more than 10 people gather anywhere, at any time for the foreseeable future this morning. Church sent out an email canceling ALL events through April 10th and so we spent a fair amount of time today communicating with everyone about the changing guidelines. My doctor’s appointment was also canceled for tomorrow, and I think it’s just a matter of time before our state goes into total lockdown. Good thing God is in control! We talked to our kids about the whole situation a little more today too, since it’s affecting our lives a lot we want them to know why, without scaring them, obviously.

The kids went outside after lunch to play in the snow, and had a fabulous time! The snow is heavy and really wet, so pretty fun to play in. I’m super thankful for our new floors that make cleanup so much easier with stuff like mud, snow and everything else!

We made hot chocolate and got everyone warmed up and then watched Mary Poppins. The kids enjoyed it, which I was happy about, and Lover and I realized that it’s quite a different movie to watch as an adult! Really tugs at the heartstrings. πŸ™‚ The movie is pretty long, so after we finished Lover made a quick dinner which the kids gobbled down.

While they ate dinner, Lover and the kids had a long conversation about banks; how they invest our money, what are runs on the bank, and the FDIC and how that helps prevent runs on the bank.

So – a full day for us, with a little productivity, lots of time with the kiddos and everyone staying safe. Lover and I spent a long time talking after the kids went to bed, just processing how everything’s changed in the last week and a half. It’s been hard! I got to share with a friend tonight that we don’t need to have a spirit of fear and how my faith sustains me through crazy times like these. I’m hopeful that we will have more chances to be a light in the coming weeks!

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