(Day 33): Monday ended up being a pretty low key day. I did some devotional time in the morning and worked on a list of ways I’ve seen God bless and extend kindness to us in the last six weeks. It’s not exhaustive but it was encouraging to go through and just reflect on the ways that He has loved on us.
I had some plans of how the day was going to go, but ended up spending a big chunk of it just hanging out with the kids giving them some specialized one on one time with me. Javi and I spent a long time reading my book – he’s gotten super interested in it again and we are over halfway through! And then Keilana and I colored for a while together, and she chatted away as she is wont to do. 🙂
Cassandra asked for some special reading time at quiet time, so we snuggled up in her chair and did that before naps. I also made Carnitas today – one of my favorite things to make and always a big hit in our house. I feel like I really nailed the flavors this time. I love a really flavorful meat and I’ve been working on this recipe for a few years. This time I did a lot more salt and quite a bit more tabasco sauce, and it was just about perfect!
We enjoyed the carnitas for dinner, and our day was pretty low key overall. We did some cleaning and got the house in order in the afternoon, and I worked for a couple of hours in the evening after the kids went to bed on my writing. This time I was working on a single scene that ended up taking about a total of four hours to write. It’s really interesting to me, sometimes I can write 2000 words in an hour, and sometimes it takes me hours to write 1000 words. Just depends on the scene and what’s going on and how much everything just flows together. I’m happy with the final product though, and it’s encouraging to be closing in on the end of this book! Good thing too, since we just crossed over 127,000 words in this book!