More rain! ~ June 17, 2020

Idaho is a humid place! It started raining overnight again, and continued for most of the day. We stayed put in the morning, working on a few little things around the house. We also did a video call with Luke’s parents and enjoyed catching them up on our travels so far, and talking about book publishing.

After the call and lunch, I packed up the kids and took them to the Rigby Pioneer and TV Museum. It’s a little museum housed in an old motel – very clever! They had cut out the walls of the room and replaced them with glass, and each room had a theme. There was a scavenger hunt for the kids that they really enjoyed. The museum was essentially a collection of “old stuff” without a ton of explanation, but it was still a fun way to pass a couple of hours. We enjoyed the taxidermy, learning what a coffee grinder looked like, and seeing a small American flag that had been to the moon.

We came back for lunch (loaded fries! yum!) and the kids told Lover all about the museum and what they enjoyed/learned about. Then we did quiet time and Lover and I took naps (still worn out from our cold hiking the day before!) My cousin and I did another brief video call to talk about the cover – it’s coming along and I think it’s headed in a good direction.

We put the kids to bed and watched some shows together. Usually we try to do something special for the 17th, but this whole trip is kind of a special thing! πŸ™‚ It was nice to spend the time together and have that time be mostly uninterrupted. πŸ™‚

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