Date Day! ~ July 31, 2020

Lover’s parents were up for the challenge of entertaining our kiddos for a few hours while Lover and I got some much needed time alone! We decided this would be our anniversary celebration and we decided to live it up! Well, at least as much as we could in these times. We dropped off the kids and headed into Greece to eat at a place called Joe’s Eatery. Sadly, we couldn’t find it! I don’t know what the issue was, but it was no where to be found, so we headed to the mall to check out the options there. Nothing there looked appealing, so we decided on the quintessential Rochester experience – heading to the Pittsford Wegmans for lunch!

Unfortunately for us, neither one of us remembered where the Pittsford Wegmans was! And we’re from Rochester, so you know we were too proud to use GPS. Instead, we spent more than 45 minutes driving around and good naturedly arguing about where it was. In the end, I should have trusted Lover’s sense of direction – we would have eaten a half hour sooner! πŸ™‚

We got burgers at the Burger bar, along with fries and a root beer and headed out to the patio to wait for our food. I wanted to get a couple of pictures of the two of us together – you can see how well that went down! We got one good one though. πŸ™‚ It was a lovely afternoon filled with laughter, and just enjoying finishing our sentences, as we like to say. We made a quick stop in Greece at one of our favorite gelato places, and we were so happy to discover that it’s still amazing! We came back to Brockport refreshed and ready to be parents again!

The littles were all tired out from our fun week. They napped on Nana, and we stayed for dinner and then probably too late. But it was fun!

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