A Full Day of shopping & Cleaning! ~ August 31, 2020

It took about four hours, but I finally got the kitchen 90% back to the way I like it. All clean and organized! The fridge stinks of shrimp though, so I’m putting out baking soda and will pick up a candle in the next few days to help with the lingering stink. Thankfully scrubbing the sink and running a baking soda/vinegar combo through the garbage disposal helped with that smell. I ran the dishwasher several times today, and located a bunch of our stuff that was tucked in random places. So far the only “damages” are a few glass plates, a steak knife, and a whisk. That’s not too bad!

The kids played and played all morning. They are happy to be home. They did a tea party, and we didn’t have milk, so they ran over to the neighbors and asked for a little bit of milk in their cream container. The neighbor invited them to come play on their swingset, (they’re the sweetest neighbors), so after they finished their tea party they went and hung out there for a while. They were so happy, I could hear their laughter as they were just two yards away.

My friend Jessica came in the afternoon to clean the bathrooms (yay!) and we headed out to run some errands. We took the van to get washed and then vacuumed it out thoroughly. It’s not perfect, but it no longer looks like we lived in it for the past seven weeks. πŸ™‚ We also picked up some school stuff for the big kids, and then did some grocery shopping! Our fridge, freezer and pantry are EMPTY, although somehow we do have a lot of honey. πŸ™‚ So we stocked up on some of the essentials, and then headed home. By that point I was beat! It had been a long, physical day already.

We did some more laundry and fed everyone dinner, and then put on a movie for the kids while we crashed for a while. Once it was bedtime we put the kids to bed, and I was asleep a little while later! So nice to be back home.

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