Happy October! ~ October 1, 2020

Not gonna lie, it’s encouraging to see the months for this very long year tick off on the calendar! I’m ready for a new year. Especially because baby will be born in 2021! 🙂 Thursdays are one of my big writing days, so I came down and made breakfast for the kids, and some homemade bread, and cut Lover’s hair before it was time for me to disappear for a couple of hours. I’ve been regularly making this carrot cake baked oatmeal that everyone enjoys. We got all that done and the kitchen cleaned up and then I headed up for writing. The kids worked on school while Lover worked with me for the first hour on plotting. My wall is covered in post it notes again, and I got right to work!

Lover took the kids over the school and worked on teaching them soccer skills. They took a bit to catch on, but then they really started enjoying themselves and improved quite a bit! I wrote and wrote and wrote, and couldn’t believe when the whole morning and early afternoon had flown by! I wrote about 5,000 words yesterday, which is always fun, and it’s nice that our novella is flowing better this time. I really had trouble with it this summer!

I finally tore myself away from writing and got ready for date night. We’ve had to adjust our nights from Saturdays to Thursdays recently, and we’re taking advantage and doing earlier date afternoons instead. This means I’m much more awake and can participate more! 🙂 Lover and I drove to get one of his free birthday meals, and then up to TGIFridays to use up a gift card. This seemed like a good call, since we were the only ones in the restaurant for most of our time there. Not sure how much longer that chain will be in Denver! We were close to the arsenal, so we decided to drive through there before heading home. We saw tons of deer, and some bison, but what really stole the show was the sunset! We sat for almost an hour just watching the sun over the clouds and the mountains, still diffused by the wildfire smoke – it was incredible. I took some pictures and they’re pretty, but still don’t come close to how gorgeous it really was.

Then we rushed home (worried we’d be late because we watched the sunset too long), finished the Masked Singer with the kids and went to bed. It was a nice, relaxing day.

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