Pies and silly kiddos ~ November 24, 2020

Overnight we got several inches of snow, so the kids were very excited to go out in it first thing! πŸ™‚ Keilana and Declan are our snow loving kiddos. They got their hats and gloves and boots on and headed right out to build a snowman. Cassandra watched from the window (Javi hardly ever goes out in the snow, he hates being cold) and yelled out, “Do you want to build a snowman!” So cute. They made an adorable snowman, and did it quite handily! Cassandra did some painting on her ideas box, which she’s been asking to do for a couple of days. Seems like there’s never the right time to get out all the paints and get everything messy though! πŸ™‚

Then we got started on our baking! The kids helped assemble the apple pie – we used the same cooking technique as last time but added a lot more spices, and the filling was to die for! πŸ™‚ While the filling cooled, we put together the pumpkin pie as well, and got that ready. Lover and Javi made chicken pot pies – it was just pies all around today! πŸ™‚

Our apple pie got overcooked a bit, but fingers crossed that it will still be delicious! We’re still figuring out the new oven, it seems to cook a little slow, so we’re adjusting our recipes.

We took a long quiet time after lunch to rest up after so much kitchen activity, and then the kids worked on cleaning up all the Legos. They made several silly games and also did a time lapse video – lots of fun while cleaning up is always a good time. For dinner we put together little snack-y plates with a bit of everything on them, and one of our olives had a smiley face on it!

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