Tuesday and Wednesday were snowy, cold days, great for staying at home. We had a pretty quiet day on Tuesday, and in the afternoon we headed to IKEA to get some exercise. When we first got there the play area was full, but after walking around upstairs and exploring all of the tiny spaces, (and taking notes for our apartment in Spain!) there was room for the kids to go play. We dropped them off and they played for about 45 minutes and enjoyed a little change of pace. Cassandra stayed with us and talked our ear off.
I didn’t know what kind of week we would have, so Tuesday was a bit of a catch-up day to re-plan our week. I got a lot more writing done – my second book is really flowing, and I’m enjoying advancing the story. I also need to do another edit of my first book, but I’m on a roll and not ready to stop just yet.
Wednesday it was also cold and snowy – seems to be the forecast for the foreseeable future. I helped the kids build a huge fort in the living room, and we did school and played and worked on the business. Once it got dark we played hide n seek, and then the kids headed to AWANA. We are so thankful for that mid-week activity! Keilana finished her book and review last week, so now she is working on the bonus book. Lover took Cassandra out with him – and I got in a bunch of writing.
We finished up a series we’ve been watching last night, and then since I didn’t feel tired I stayed up and wrote some more. I’ve been in a total reading slump lately, but my writing is on fire! Notable homeschooling stuff – Keilana asked how people get different colored eyes, and Lover gave them a introduction to DNA and how it affects us throughout our life. Fascinating stuff!