April 30 – May 6th, 2020

(Day 36-42): It suddenly got very hard to find the time to focus on these recaps. Mostly because life felt long and boring and very hard! But, the end of stay at home is this Friday evening, and we are looking forward to a few more freedoms in the upcoming weeks!

Thursday: Declan finished his Cubbies book! Hurray! He’s done a great job this year and learned so much about sticking with something and doing hard things!

We went for a long walk. The bookends get along so well. It makes me happy to see them loving on each other!

Friday: Friday morning I took the kids over to the empty church parking lot to ride bikes. They’ve been begging for this for a while, so of course once we got there they all glued themselves to my side and wouldn’t go riding. After much prompting they tried out bike riding in a big flat place, and had a great time.

Look mom, I’m not sitting!

For lunch we did a fast food smorgasbord. These are always fun, and a great way to waste a couple of hours! We tried out Arby’s gyros (fail) and Taco Bell’s strawberry freeze (win!).

Saturday we worked on Lover’s latest idea; taking out one more section of wall and replacing it with railing. It went pretty smoothly and it looks SO much better! Still needs finish work but it’s safe and open and glorious!

Sunday: Our mailbox was full of envelopes for the kids on Saturday evening. There were a bunch of crafts, activities and coloring sheets inside, and they spent most of Sunday creating confetti on our dining room table. No matter how many times we tell them to work in the loft, crafts always migrate down to the dining room! It’s got great light, I can’t blame them. But the mess can be a lot sometimes!

Sunday afternoon we walked down to the Dollar Tree, all picked out a treat, and sat on the curb and shared and compared snacks. It was a relaxing way to spend a couple of hours! Declan discovered that he likes pork rinds. Javi chose beef jerky, and Keilana broke/loosened a tooth on her candy necklaces. Cassandra really enjoyed sharing her Swedish fish!

Monday: We did a video call with my parents and the kids were really into chatting with their grandparents. We also did a zoom call in the afternoon with their Sunday school. Technology is no substitute for in person, but it’s still nice to have! Also, Monday was Star Wars Day! We made Star Wars brownie cupcakes, played with silly masks and watched Rise of Skywalker. Well, everyone else watched the movie, and I cleaned and enjoyed some quiet time!

May the Fourth be with you!

Tuesday: We did a MOPS zoom call in the morning, and it was nice to chat with everyone. I also introduced the kids to one of my favorite movies growing up – The Man from Snowy River. The music, the scenery, the horses, the cheesy acting – what’s not to love? I spent several hours writing a short story – only 4700 words and from a male POV. It was an interesting writing exercise!

Wednesday: Lover and I are doing keto for a couple of days, just trying to reset from weeks of questionable diet choices. 🙂 It’s boring and annoying, but I’m already feeling better. We spent the morning cleaning up the house and doing laundry – necessary life stuff. After work, we headed out to do some shopping, with our new masks for the whole family! Never in my life did I think I’d be putting masks on my kiddos and walking around in public with them. Weird times. We ended our evening at the Rocky Mountain Wildlife Refuge. We went for a little walk and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and fresh air. So pretty!

Side note, the kids will never know what color Lover’s eyes are, since he always wears his sunglasses!

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