May 24, 2020

Showing day! We worked on cleaning in the morning before church, watched our service online, and then Lover took the kids to a parking lot to ride bikes while I stayed home to finish cleaning and do the showing.

Two hours later the house looked better than it ever has, and our showing went flawlessly! They want to rent for the whole summer, so we just needed to work out the particulars and then we are free to go explore for the rest of the summer! So exciting! Epic road trip here we come!

Javi helped Keilana learn how to ride her bike without training wheels! They are so cute helping each other out. Keilana was super excited and said “It’s fun to learn new things!”

We had life group in the afternoon and everyone made it! That’s unusual for our group. šŸ™‚ It was great to see everyone and get all caught up. They stayed a little later than usual, and then in the evening we worked out the rest of the details with the guests that will be staying here over the summer. It’s official, we are going on the road for three months! We’re going to see how many states we can squeeze in over the next 90 days! šŸ™‚

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