Declan turns 5! ~ July 7, 2020

Declan woke up VERY Excited to be five! It’s a big deal! One of the reasons we chose Reno is because we would have an open pool, and there were a fair amount of dinner options for Declan’s birthday dinner. (we also could have cooked, but he chose pizza as his birthday dinner.) I took Javi, KK and Cassandra shopping in the morning after we videoed with my parents, and everyone picked out gifts for Declan. I had offered to take him shopping by himself so he could pick out his presents, and he emphatically declared that it was much more fun to open presents as a surprise. He’s my son!

We picked up pizzas at Sam’s Club, and everybody ate their fill. While we ate dinner we shared our favorite things about Declan – a fun family tradition we do on everyone’s birthdays. Giving the gift of words and praise in addition to physical gifts. Cassandra fell asleep after lunch, so Lover took the other three kids swimming and I stayed with her. The big kids all had a blast in the pool! Then Declan opened his presents. He was extra excited about his very own movie (The Secret Life of Pets) and then the gift from Javi and KK. They pooled their money to buy him a set of walkie talkies, and they were a great choice! Everyone has been loving them.

Afterwards we did cake – everyone enjoyed Declan’s choice of chocolate cake. Well, except for Lover, but he never likes cake. It sure did make a mess though!

In other exciting news, our book, Storyteller, published today! It takes 72 hours for everything to go live, but it’s all very exciting! Can’t wait to hear what people think!

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