Moving Day! (For once, not our own) ~ September 19, 2020

Saturday morning the kids watched their cartoons and Lover and I hung out and talked for a while before he left to go help our friends move. They’re moving out to the “country” on 40 acres, and they are a family of nine, so they needed lots of help! We dropped Lover off, and went to Kid 2 Kid looking for winter boots, gloves and hats, maternity clothes, and baby clothes! We lucked out on some fronts, and found boots for everyone except for Keilana. We will keep looking for her! I bought the kids blow pops on our way out, and so our drive down to Ulta was very quiet! πŸ™‚ Javi commented to himself at one point, “apparently this sucker has gum in it!” It was super funny. We got a couple of things at Ulta and then got home for snack, and by then it was time to go pick Lover up in Watkins. We stayed for a bit in Watkins seeing the new house and talking about their plans for everything. It’s a beautiful piece of land!

Keilana making a reference book about dinosaurs!

Then we headed home, had some lunch and did quiet time before it was time for date night! Lover and I packed sandwiches and went to Crush walls downtown. It was fun to go down there and people watch, and see some of the new art. Unfortunately, the best part of the event; watching the artists work, was closed off to protect the artists during the pandemic. So we’ll have to go back down at some point and see the rest of the completed works. It was still a nice evening, and we sat for a bit at a park and talked about what God has for us this year. Which – we don’t know! We continue to pray, and hope that he will give us a more clear plan than just “Wait”. πŸ™‚ Waiting is hard!

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