Happy Halloween! (And a pumpkin Party) ~ October 31, 2020

We are trying out a new tradition on Saturday. Since we get lots of breaks throughout the week, we’ve switched from cereal and cartoons on Saturday to a big family breakfast and games instead. We got up and made eggs, bacon and tater tots, and even a few strawberries. Lover and I played a few games of Azul. He tried out a new strategy and beat me three times, although the last time was super close. We’ll see if he ever plays me again.

The kids worked on filling the pinata, and then Lover taped it up and got it ready to hang. We set up everything in the garage, and the kids decorated the plates they painted earlier in the week with silly faces. They came out very silly and I loved them! Javi put pumpkins on our carrot cake cupcakes and we went out to run some errands since everything was set up and we had time to kill. Plus the house was clean, and we didn’t want to ruin that!

Once we got home everyone got into their costumes. Right as we were heading out to do the final setup in the garage, our neighbors stopped by to visit and drop off some treats for the kids. We ended up chatting in our driveway for about half an hour, while we waited for our guests to arrive, who were all running late. Then the guests showed up and the fun began! Our friends brought spider pretzels and spiced cider, and of course their cute baby. đŸ™‚ We played lots of games; a candy corn relay race, a version of cornhole played with cheetos and a cardboard box, pin the mouth on the pumpkin, and of course the pinata. It was all lots of fun and so neat to see the kids enjoying themselves. We adults got time to talk while they all played, and then we all went trick or treating.

Not a lot of houses were participating, but the ones that were made up for it! đŸ™‚ The kids got quite the haul. We headed home after two streets and the kids started sorting through their treats and trading. They had a blast and we were all so tired, but it was a lot of fun!


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