Art projects & Sewing! ~ November 12, 2020

The big kids finished up their art project/thank you cards while I wrote this morning. Lover did a bunch of other school with them, and then they all went to a park to play soccer too. Thursdays they all have so much fun while I am writing! πŸ™‚ I made a bunch of progress on our third book – and will need to take a break to let an upcoming scene percolate for a bit. It’s a fun, adventure one that has a lot going on, and I want to do justice to it!

Lover made a tortilla for lunch, as well as a broccoli thing that was really yummy. After lunch, we had quiet time, and then since we weren’t doing date night that evening (we are trading this week with friends on Sat/Sun instead), we started on a project. I bought fleece to back all of the kids’ quilts that my mom has made them, and we cut out the fleece for Declan’s quilt, pinned it and then sewed it on. My machine wasn’t behaving so Lover investigated, found the problem, fixed it and then took over. Sewing is not my favorite activity, so I was more than happy to let him take that task! We got Declan’s blanket all sewn and he’s so happy to have a cozy blanket for sleeping. So of course he wanted to sleep in only underwear that evening. πŸ™‚

Today was also the first day of a bit of a break for Lover. Since all this COVID stuff started, he’s been shouldering so much, and then I got pregnant too, so it’s been a lot. He also likes to stay really informed so that when people bring it all up he can answer intelligently, but all of that means he hasn’t taken a break from the stress of pandemic life for eight months.

So starting today, he’s taking a week off of news, texts, and masked life. I’ll be running errands that require masks, and we’re going to try to limit our game and TV time as well. This should be a good opportunity to just “reset” everything, and hopefully lower our stress levels!

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