Insulating the Garage, OVEN! & Dinner w/ Friends ~ November 13, 2020

Lover had a VERY productive day today! He fixed the drywall in the garage from our leak in the spring, cleaned up and put back the molding in the den, and insulated the garage over the door where it’s never had insulation. Hopefully this will make a difference this winter because our room, which is above the garage, is always so cold! Of course right now I’m not noticing it because I’m rarely cold. Ah, pregnancy! Lover also used Great Stuff on the holes, and got it all over himself, so we spent a while trying to clean that up.

Our friends who are doing remote learning came over to spend the morning with us. The kids played and I had a nice time visiting with Erin. They’re stuck at home every day like we are, so it was nice to change it up a bit. Dean finishes up his work day early, so he met up with us at the house, and we all visited, had lunch and then played a game together. The guys went and did a return at Home Depot, and then when they got back, our oven got delivered! Hurray!

We scratched up the floor a bit getting it in, which was a bummer. But – we have a working oven again after almost two weeks without one! Our friends left and we relaxed for a little bit before it was time to get dinner started for our other friends who were coming for dinner.

We made chicken marsala and mashed potatoes for dinner, and it was sooo yummy. We had a great evening visiting, and our friends stayed super late! We all lost track of time and that’s a sign of a great evening! We sure got the kids to bed fast once they left though! šŸ™‚

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