Sleepy Recovery Days ~ November 30 & December 1, 2020

Lover got a really bad night’s sleep last night (which meant that I got a fairly poor night’s sleep too) so today was just about survival. šŸ™‚ We had the kids do their stuff, I took an early nap, we did a little school with everyone, and just generally kept things easy and simple and as low key as possible. The kids played outside for a bit, Javi played on his tablet and the kids watched him, and we just generally made it through until bedtime.

On Tuesday we did a bunch of stuff in the morning – Lover took Javi out for special time, worked at the food pantry, and we went over to one of KK’s friend’s from school to visit for a bit. Cassandra stayed home with Lover because she was sniffly. I made Swiss Chicken for dinner which no one ate because they had so many snacks at the friend’s house, and then in the evening we put up the Christmas tree. Keilana got it all opened up (we had to buy a new one this year because we sold our last one in our garage sale). I helped fluff the tree and we got it into position next to the fireplace and turned on. So pretty! šŸ™‚

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