Declan’s Special Time & Pasta Bolognese ~ December 16, 2020

Wednesday morning we videoed with Lover’s parents, and then I headed out for an appointment with my midwife. On the drive there and back I thought about a scene for Healer, and had most of it written in my head by the time I came home. πŸ™‚ I also stopped at the bank and closed an account we had there, and they actually had a bathroom that was open to the public! This preggo lady really appreciated that. πŸ™‚ Then Declan and I went out for special time. We were specifically looking for canning jars (to make applesauce!) and also needed a couple of other little things. We got what we needed, and Declan had fun pushing the cart through the store.

It finally warmed up today, so we came home to the other kiddos playing in the garage with their neighbor friend. Lover made lunch, and I’ll confess that I was super skeptical about this dish. He saved the giblets (organs) from our Thanksgiving turkey and make a bolognese sauce, which he tossed with some pasta and served up. I was determined to keep an open mind – and it was really good! Javi LOVED it. The idea of eating organs still kinda messed me up – but I couldn’t deny that the end result was really tasty. πŸ™‚

We’re working with a friend to finalize the cover of Intruder, and one of the things she needs is the final page count. That requires getting the book formatted, which we do with Microsoft word. Lover was attempting to use Word Online with my Chromebook, but it wasn’t working well, so he actually headed to the library to get a bunch of work done on that. We made good progress and figured out a bunch of stylistic choices. It’s exciting to have our next book so close to publish-ready!

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